Monday, February 19, 2007

Self care is important too!

Since I'm not a California native, exploring California is always a wonderful experience. I'm so glad that I decided to move out to the coast to get a different experience and a develop a new perspective, because living some place new is always exciting. If you are an out of state student looking at USC, I suggest taking a serious look at schools that are in a new area. This weekend, only because I'm out living in LA, I was able to drive up to Tahoe for our 3 day weekend. It was amazing and such a perfect way to temporarily escape the pressures of school and take care of yourself. Self care is very important in this field in order to avoid burn out and allow yourself to keep investing your efforts into others. This weekend got to be all about taking care of me and what makes me happy! I got to see the beautiful landscape of northern Tahoe, walk around this adorable village which reminded me of something right out of the gold rush, hang out with friends, sleep in, and watch movies! I can't believe that I was able to drive a couple of hours and end up in a totally new place with a totally new mindset. And I was still in California!! How incredible is that!? In any case, it's important to sometimes put the books down, forget about all the upcoming deadlines, and have fun. Social workers are people too, and you need to remember to take care of yourself! How else will you be able to take care of others? Plus, I swear, social workers tend to be the least selfish people in the world...we gotta do more things for us! ;o) hahaha...go self care!!

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