Saturday, February 24, 2007

Everything Changes Except Change Itself

I have witnessed numerous changes since attending the USC School of Social Work. From being the first class to try group projects in practice classes to relocating to the Downtown Center in my final semester. New faculty have joined the school of social work, and the curriculum is continuously modified. Because there are so many changes, you will commonly hear students say, "We are the guinea pigs."

We all know that change is inevitable. However, change can bring about feelings of frustration, irritation, pain, and all sorts of challenges. As a student at the USC School of Social Work, it's best to put your "adaptability", "flexibility", and "advocate" hat on in order to prepare for the unforeseen changes. In order to ensure that your graduate school experience is fulfilling, have courage to confront the changes that are unfavorable and develop a stance for what you believe will benefit you as a graduate student preparing for the world of social work!

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