Sunday, February 18, 2007

Let's Reinvent Our Government!

I just finished reading the book “Reinventing Government” for my policy class and I must say that it has made a significant impact on the manner in which I perceive the public sector. The book is right up my alley as it discusses matters that deal with public social service institutions which is a major area of interest to me. Additionally, it has given me hope in the possibility of change in large bureaucratic public social institutions. I will attempt to provide a clear and succinct explanation of why I believe that all social workers should read this book and particularly those of us interested in macro level social work. The book provides a clear set of 10 things that should be done to reinvent our government. The question may arise, well what’s wrong with our government that it needs to be changed? As social workers many of us if not all of us are able to identify inefficiencies in our public sector institutions that keep them from effectively serving our clients. Also, for those social workers who don’t understand why I suggest that all social workers read this book because they aren’t in the public sector, I ask that you maintain an open mind and acknowledge the symbiotic relationship that exists between the public and private sector. The public sector is virtually omnipresent and regardless of what agency we serve it touches our clients and it touches us as social workers. For the abovementioned reasons and for the need for greater change I encourage you all to read “Reinventing Government” written by David Osborne and Ted Gaebler.

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