Saturday, March 03, 2007

Up late and thinking

Up late with my friend, and only a third way through my goals for the night. Why do I do that....set my goals way too high? I guess if I didn't, I wouldn't get anything done.

Anyways, I was speaking to my friend...who is at the moment sitting across from 3am...stressed as I am. She is in the Mental Health Concentration. We came to realize and were amazed that we really are studying immensely different topics. Currently, she's writing a paper on eating disorders and I'm writing one on reinventing the government.

I know they say, "in the end, it doesn't matter which concentration you choose," but I think it really does matter. It matters because our education takes such different paths. Therefore, it makes it that much more important to TAKE THE TIME to ask yourself: "where do my interests lie, what would challenge me, and in what concentration would I learn the most?"

A mentor told us...pick a concentration that is in a topic that you like so much you definitely wouldn't mind studying more of it, or go into a concentration that you are interested in but know nothing about so that you're challenged. I chose the challenge route...and I have to say that since then, there has not been one day that has gone by, where I regret making that decision....GO COPA!!!!

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