Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My "No Break" Spring Break

So, as it turns out my spring break hasn't turned out to be what I expected.... actually it hasn't been a break at all to be completely honest. Last week was brutal as I completed papers for midterms and studied for my economics exam. Then, on Friday I had a job fair....the Friday that I "supposed" to sleep in. Then over the weekend I spent my time preparing for the Latino/a Social Work Caucus Silent auction because I am the committee chair. During that time I did squeeze in some fun ...but nevertheless there just isn't a real break. I also had to make recruitment calls during the weekend for my research assistant job. In addition, to all of the abovementioned I have internship this Monday and Wednesday and as it turns out I have two job interviews in the next week which I completely didn't expect. Now I find myself doing research to be prepared for my interviews and I've been polishing my CV and resume. However, I am yearning for a break! Seriously, this weekend I really need at least one day where I do NOTHING related to school, work, or internship.

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