Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The sickness of social workers

The thing that is so sick about social workers is that we're never happy unless we're too busy...

There's really nothing like getting back from spring break to make you THINK you have some free time and that getting right back into work is not's really a LIE.

So I'm starting on my finals early...lets be's going to take me the next four weeks to research, organize and write the 40 plus pages I'm assigned.

On top of that I'm interviewing for jobs...freaking out because I'm not sure I want the jobs I'm getting interviews for....dreaming about the job I want but can't have (b/c that agency isn't hiring as of now)...AND

Finishing my internship...the giant needs assessment of mental health services in Skid Row...the paperwork to get siting completed for our wellness center, management team, and crisis resolution center...and closing my client's cases...AND

Helping out with everything in Student Org...organizing and finalizing Lobby Days...helping with elections...send out thank you with new Community Service Chair...prepare the job handbook...'s going to be ok...

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