Monday, November 27, 2006

Thoughts on the future

This semester is drawing to a close and I have to say I am REALLY sad. I had a great experience this semester, and loved all my classes. I think I'll miss Substance Abuse the most. It was an amazing class and I learned so much. Tomorrow is my last day and I'm going to have to grieve the loss of the time spent there. It was worth the 8am rush hour traffic thing. Finishing up with finals makes graduation that much more of a reality. Part of me is ready and excited about moving on to the next chapter in my life, and another part of me is incredibly frightened by the notion of being independent and not having school as a crutch for my ignorance.

Thank God that people are capable of grace (to some degree)...I just hope that there's continual room for screwing up because I'm almost positive that I will screw something up. I figure is too short to not take risks. What's the worse that can happen? I fall flat on my face, look like an idiot then use it as a learning opportunity to build humility and character and remember that I am HUMAN. The only thing to do right now is to remind myself of this truth, with the hope is that I will eventually believe it...and better yet LIVE IT.

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