Tuesday, November 07, 2006

computer meltdowns and such

it's amazing how much we become dependent on material possessions. Sometimes I would like to reject it all and move to Montana (or maybe I can just start living in my (hopeful) simple living intentional community, now!) My laptop had a meltdown...just as I was starting it to finish a paper...DUE THAT DAY! How much did I hate myself at that moment? After long hours of trying to fix it, I gave up and bought a new hard drive. Lucky for me it started one more time so I could back up my data. Word to the wise: Back up data.

Classes are finally starting to slow down long enough for me to s*@!, shower, and sleep. Man do I feel better. Seriously, there was a three or four day period when I definitely didn't shower and was running off an IV drip of coffee. Good thing I work in Downtown/Skid Row...where they don't care what I smell or look like.

Election day: I'm afraid to watch tv in fear that it would confirm that we still have a Republican Governor (referred by Fertig as our "Governator") and all the Props did not go the way I hoped. Young women would lose rights, the tax payer lobbyists have won, I would still have to watch lying political propaganda on tv (and thus, continually be reminded of how much we believe the lies we see on tv...damn those lying tax lobbyists.) Ok...really though, I should not gripe since I really don't know if this is the case. Hope...hope...remember to hope.

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