Friday, November 10, 2006

COPE (Creating Opportunities for Positive Experiences)

At one of my internship school sites, my colleague and I have developed a prevention program for elementary school aged children named COPE (Creating Opportunities for Positive Experiences). Each Monday, we visit K-5 grade classrooms and present on different topics that will help to build resiliency among these children. Some of the topics in include "Knowing the Self", "Emotional Intelligence", and of course "Peer Relationships." After long hours of work on the 10-week curriculum, we are proud to say that during our first session last week, the children were extremely receptive and elated about participating in the COPE program as evidence of them engaging and asking in-depth questions. Upon exiting one of the third grade classrooms, a student yelled, "Ms. Cope, I have one more question." She quickly corrected herself, and stated my actual name. I assume the point was well communicated about the meaning of "COPE", so much that one student unconsciously thought to call me "Ms. Cope."

Who knows...the COPE curriculum may become this mass production for prevention work with elementary students across the world...Copyrights to be established. What a graduate education at the USC School of Social Work can do for you! Explore your options, be creative, and serve!

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