Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It is almost here!

Wow, so summer is almost here. However, before I start thinking about summer I need to focus on writing all my final papers. Tonight I received my last assignment in Human Behavior. I now have all of my finals sitting on my desk just staring back at me. Now is the time to get down to business, although truth be told I probably will not start on them until next week since this week my focus is on my upcoming research exam. Research has been my most difficult class since I had no prior research experience. Well that is not entirely true, I did take a research methods class in my junior year of undergrad however, we did not talk about validity, reliability and there was no mention of statistics. I have been a bit lost in research and I have finally reached the conclusion that my perfection issues need not apply to this class. If I get a B in this class I will be thoroughly overjoyed. Research is tough but human behavior is fun and exciting, therefore it seems to all balance out. As the year comes to an end I honestly am experiencing mixed emotions. I am stressed about the finals (of course), I am feeling happy about my concentration year placement choices, nervous about the interviews and challenged by my research class. All in all it has been an interesting, at times frustrating and fun experience. In less than a month I will be done with my first year placement, and my first year of graduate school. Holy smokes, time flies when your having fun!!!

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