Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Erica's Graduate Survival Tips

I thought it might be useful to share some of the techniques that I have utilized throughout graduate school to survive : ) that have been very effective. The techniques are listed in no particular order.

1. Learn to write in APA format buy the APA handbook.

2. Attend all brown bags possible. Not only will you gain an immense amount of knowledge, but most of the time they have great free food.

3. Always have quarters ready for the parking meters on Jefferson. The parking right in front of the school of social work is great because of its proximity and its $1 for four hours.

4. Always send a back up copy of all papers, and presentations to your own e-mail in case of emergency. This is extremely useful when you forget to bring your thumb drive to your final presentation : ).

5. Keep your eyes open for opportunities on campus and seize the moment. There are a number of great opportunities on campus for work that will bring in some extra income. Working side jobs on campus is not only convenient, but you get to know the faculty and staff much better.

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