Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My Last Break

This officially marks the last winter break I will have as an MSW student. I don't know what it is with me but I am suddenly hyper aware of all things that are ending that are associated with graduate school...and it makes me very sad, but on the bright side I will have the next few weeks to regain my strength because next semester promises to be CRAZY. Primarily because I will be taking too many units due to my dual degree. My strategy at this point is to plan early and do as much as possible during the break and to plan and organize everything well....I'll keep you all posted on how well that works. : )

As for the break, I hope to get a whole lot of sleep. I also want to read for leisure and I want to focus on reading only my Spanish books...gotta keep it fluent (I got an awesome book on substance abuse that is completely in Spanish, so I plan to work on my use of clinical terms in Spanish) I also plan to indulge in one of my FAVORITE pastimes which is oil painting. I have agreed to create a piece to be sold in this year's Latino/a Social Work Caucus silent auction. I donated one last year and I would love to contribute again. I am also making a very large piece for a friend of mine, so I will definitely be allowing my creative juices to flow. Oh yes, I will be going to A LOT of holiday PARTIES...that's one of my favorite pass times as well, and I'll be watching the movie ELF one too many times.

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