Monday, December 04, 2006

The Challenges of Field

I need to vent about the challenges of field. The reality is that being at a large public agency in a COPA placement is very different than being in the clinical setting. I am still adjusting to being results oriented rather than process the way it took me a lot of time to arrive at that conclusion. It was very challenging for me to switch from having to worry about clinical interventions to dealing with deadlines and bottomlines. Now I am expected to produce and what I produce is clear and tangible, nothing like clinical services. So, as you enter the COPA world be advised that the shift is one that may be challenging initially, but its necessary. Additionally, I make use of all the clinical skills that I learned first year in order to effectively interact with others even if they aren't clients. The bottom line is that we are all human and those clinical skills sure do come in handy. The COPA world is a different moster, but I feel that my field placement has effectively prepared me to navigate the COPA world : ).

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