Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Success!!! And a better outlook on Macro practice!

Let me begin by expressing how demanding my policy class. My policy class is very demanding. Hahaha, no but really, it is! Today was all school's day, where all of the students in the social work program gathered together to listen to wonderful and very influential speakers. As soon as my policy class discovered who one of the speakers was, we started a petition, requesting him to pledge his support to the homeless bill SB2, which our class is focused on and is dedicated be advocates for. After asking what seemed like a million people to sign our petition, we were prepared to meet our guy, petition in hand as well as a statement that we would ask him to sign that pledged his support to SB2.
We basically stood, waiting for him to make his entrance so we could run up to him and ask for his support. This being my first time trying to lobby someone to get their endorsement...well...I was nervous! I wasn't sure what would happen, how he would react, if he'd ask me some question I didn't have the answer for....stuff like that. It went nothing like I had planned. He was very polite and actually read the statement that we prepared for him at the end of his keynote speech! At that moment, I felt like I had really done something. It was the weirdest rush...knowing that I had helped contribute to helping such a key figure make such a statement. Now, if you asked me three weeks ago what I thought of policy, I would probably cringe and say, "Ugh...policy! Macro stuff! Yuck! I want to work with people!! Give me people so I can see the difference!" I of course, being young and..slightly biased would never have guessed that I could see the difference being made in the larger scheme of things. Now I'll go back and make fun of my three-week-ago-self and say, Macro IS important! While I'm not doing anything drastic like changing my focus to COPA, I definitely appreciate the "big idea." The field of social work is so vast, I can hardly believe how many different directions you can take it! Amazing!

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