Friday, November 24, 2006

Good intentions?

I seriously tried to start ahead of time. In my attempt to time manage, I created a calendar of "things I need to get done, and when." Unfortunately, I haven't quite kept up with my goals and I'm now officially four and a half papers behind and I still have two very large papers to write and two classes to study for. Some would say that I had "overambitious goals" (Thank you Prof "F"). Luckily for me, my mind hasn't quite turned into blob yet and I'm hanging in there. The stress is starting to build up, but lets see how many more 12 hour plus days of studying my mind can take. Truthfully, my problem is that I'm incredibly distracted by all of the amazing things there are to read and study that are entirely related to Social Work, and in not so many ways related to my papers ( the Procrastinator's Guilt Syndrome is not applicable in my case.)

I'm actually just grateful that today is Friday and I still have SAT and SUN to study ALL DAY. It definitely felt like today was Sunday (since we were off all day yesterday (Happy Turkey Day!), and all day there was this impending doom over my spirit that I would have to go into internship tomorrow and deal with the complete revamping of our Urgent Care program. (I have to admit- I'm really excited about working on that project...something about starting from scratch and having the ability to discuss any changes I want that makes me feel alive and hopeful about the direction of my agency...which is a county agency for that matter.)

So now it's 11:45 pm, and I've officially been sitting at my computer "writing" and "studying" for 14 hours...I've written three extensive outlines (almost finished one paper), helped one friend do some research, educated my five year old nephew on neurons and pain receptors (poor kid smooshed his finger), fed the kids, straightened up the house, dealt with my martyr of a mother, found three more substance abuse books I'd like to add to reading list, and wrote one blog. Despite not being productive with school work, I can look back on today and say that I am not ashamed with the way I spent my time. Technically...I think my day doesn't really end until maybe 4 in the I will get back to work and hopefully hammer out PART of another paper. I'll probably end up going to bed around 2 because I'm not that masochistic...but hey...a girls gotta be idealistic.

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